Sunday, June 1, 2008

News and photo from alumna Heidi Bethel

Below is a message and above is a photo that ETOX alumna Heidi Bethel (Ph.D., 2002) sent for the annual symposium.

Happy Seminar Day! Wish I could be there to participate with you, but the drive is a little far! :-)

My news is that Kris and I are still living in Alexandria, Virginia. Kris works for the Army and I work in the Office of Water for the U.S. EPA in Washington, D.C.. I have been working on all things related to human health risk assessment in recent days. I am learning a lot and having fun.

On a personal note, Kris and I have been enjoying travel around the world this past year. In November 2007, we took a trip to London, Paris, Nice and Barcelona and enjoyed it very much. In March I traveled to Kenya and Tanzania with my 72 year old Aunt. It was the trip of a lifetime. Despite all of the political unrest in Kenya following the December election, I can honestly say that the worst part of the whole trip was the yellow fever shot before the trip that made me sick. We did not have any problems in Kenya or witness any violence. The people of Kenya all extended their warmest welcome to Americans and wanted us to assure everyone that it is safe to travel there.

Attached is a picture of a school visit in Tanzania. On the far right is the teacher of the class. The students at the school were impressively intelligent. They had no books and had to copy everything into their notebooks. The student sitting next to me said that he wanted to be President when he grows up!

Please give my best to all of the ETOX students presenting at seminar day.


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