Sunday, December 6, 2015

Terrible Tragedy Too Close to Home

As you are probably aware, this past week there was a domestic terrorist attack just to the north of Riverside, in San Bernardino, in which 14 people were killed and 21 injured.  Two of those killed and two of the injured were alumni from UC Riverside.  Of particular note, one of the injured was Jennifer Stevens who graduated in Environmental Sciences with an emphasis in Environmental Toxicology this past June.  She was enrolled in two of the classes that I taught last year.  She is a fine young woman, and we hope that she has a speedy and complete recovery.  In the photo above, the flags in Washington, DC (and on U.S. government buildings throughout the world) are at half staff today and tomorrow in respect for those in San Bernardino who lost their lives or were injured in the attack.  We wish for the best for the survivors and their families as well as for the families and loved ones of the deceased. 

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