Friday, May 31, 2024

The 2024 Annual Student Symposium

On Friday May 24, the Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program held its 2024 Annual Student Symposium.  The event featured platform and poster presentations, GSA activities and breakfast, lunch and a dinner during which the awards were announced. The day was a recognized success with many fine presentations.  The Fukuto Award for Best Student Presentation was won by Garrit Clabaugh for “Chemical Synthesis of Site-specific Carboxylmethyl phosphotriester oligodeoxynucleotides and their formation in DNA”.  The Honorable Mention prize went to Zachary Hutchins.  The best 1st-year student presentation award went to Rebecca Yates , and John Hoang received the best 2nd year presentation award.  Lastly, the best postdoctoral award was won by Andrew Kellum.  A special thanks goes to the Student Symposium Committee (John Huang, Student Chair) and Prof. Joseph Genereux, Faculty Chair)) who organized the event, and to Prof. Linlin Zhao, who directs the Graduate Program and keeps it running smoothly. Below are pictures taken by several attendees and myself.  

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