Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Study Press Release Is Viewed Nearly 1 Million Times

The research of Poona Deol, an Assistant Project Scientist at UCR and former ETOX postdoctoral fellow, Gwendolyn Gonzalez, an ETOX graduate student, Professors Maggie Curras-Collazo and Frances Sladek, ETOX faculty members, and their collaborators has received widespread attention with nearly a million views in 2020.  The description below is from the UCR CNAS newsletter:  Our congratulations to this group for their research and its recognition. 

"The American Association for the Advancement of Science’s EurekAlert! news site announced that the UCR press release about dangers associated with soybean oil, America’s most widely consumed oil, became the most-viewed press release in its 25-year history. The release detailed the findings of the study led by Margarita Curras-Collazo, associate professor of neuroscience, was published in the journal Endocrinology. UCR University Communications research writer Jules Bernstein was honored by AAAS’ EurekaAlert! for writing the press release." [The photo above is from the UCR News release.]

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