Thursday, September 19, 2019

zur Nieden and Volz reccieve EPA grant

Nicole zur Nieden and David Volz, professors in the Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program, were recently awarded am $850,000 grant from the USEPA to help reduce the use of animal testing.  As described in the UCR News article, "The UC Riverside project, led by zur Nieden, will stimulate human pluripotent stem cells, which have the capacity to develop into any sort of cell, with agents that direct them to form bone cells. The cells will pass through the same developmental stages and be subject to the same molecular cues as in a human embryo. The researchers will expose the cells to selected chemicals at critical junctures, then assess them using advanced imaging and next-generation sequencing techniques."  The broader context for work is referred to in a CNN news story.  The award is also highlighted at the EPA Region 9 news website.  Our congratulations to Nicole and David for this recognition of their ideas and their work. 

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