The annual meeting of the Society of Toxicology took place on March 10-14, 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah, and UCR was well represented. In addition to posters by current students, several ETOX faculty as well as quite a few alumni were in attendance. Emeritus Professor David Eastmond was selected for the Women in Toxicology Special Interest Group Mentoring Award based on nominations from ETOX alumnae. Below are photos of some of those that attended. Others in attendance (without photos) include ETOX faculty member Changcheng Zhou and current students Wonsik Woo and John Huang.
David Eastmond and Connie Mitchell (now a senior scientific program manager at HESI)
Wei-Chen Chou, a new assistant professor at UCR
David Eastmond and Jennifer Sasaki (currently a toxicology consultant)
Sabbir Ahmed (now a staff fellow with the FDA) and David Eastmond
Luisa Bertotto (assistant project scientist at UC Irvine) and Lok Ming Tam (postdoctoral fellow at the University of Rochester)
Drew Olaharski (on right) is shown with colleague Alex Eapen. Drew currently is a Vice President and Head of Nonclinical Safety at Relay Therapeutics.
David Eastmond holding the Mentoring Award plaque from the Women in Toxicology Special Interest Group