Friday, April 28, 2017

UCR Alumna Haizheng Hong has article in Science

Haizheng Hong, an alumna of the Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program and current faculty member at Xiamen University in China, recently had her research on the effects of ocean acidification on cyanobacteria published in the journal Science.  Haizheng received her Ph.D. in 2007 working with Prof. Yinsheng Wang.  Dalin Shi, another UCR alumnus who earned his Masters degree in Environmental Science working with Dan Schlenk (before completing his Ph.D. at Princeton) and who is also a Xiamen University faculty member as well as Haizheng's husband, was also a co-author on the paper.  Our congratulations to both Haizheng and Dalin for this nice recognition of their work. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Volz Selected for Prestigious NIEHS ONES Award

David Volz, assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Environmental Toxicology Program faculty member, has been selected for one of the prestigious Outstanding New Environmental Sciences awards by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.  The award is intended to recognize outstanding scientists at early stages of their careers.  This five-year NIH R01 award will allow Dr. Volz and his research group to study mechanisms underlying the developmental toxicity of common indoor organophosphate flame retardants using a zebrafish model.  More information on the award can be found in the NIEHS newsletter.  Our congratulations to Dave for this very nice recognition.