Friday, August 28, 2015

Cancer Biologist position at the EPA

The EPA will soon be advertising for a cancer biologist to work within the IRIS program.  The position announcement is still going through its human resources department but should be posted soon.  Below is the note that was forwarded to me by ETOX alumna Catherine Gibbons.

“The National Center for Environmental Assessment is planning to hire a scientist with a background in cancer biology.  We will be advertising this position shortly on the government's USAJOBS site, and I would appreciate it if you can bring this to the attention of suitable candidates who might be interested. I understand the advertisement is likely to have a very short deadline.”

Sarjeet Gill Elected Fellow of the Entomological Society of America

Prof. Sarjeet Gill, an Environmental Toxicology faculty member and former director of the ETOX Graduate Program, has recently been elected as a Fellow of the Entomological Society of America.  An news release about Dr. Gill's selection for the award can be found on the UCR Today website.  The photo above is also from the UCR Today article.  Last month, Dr. Gill was advanced to Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Riverside.  Our congratulations to Sarjeet for these impressive and well deserved recognitions. 

Note:  Sarjeet's election was also mentioned as a note in the Press Enterprise today.  

Friday, August 14, 2015

Postdoctoral positions at Amgen

ETOX Alumnus Drew Olaharski forwarded to me information on postdoctoral fellowships at Amgen.  Unfortunately the brochure is in a pdf form and I don't think it can be posted directly.  Below are screen shots which provide the key information. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Postdoctoral position at UC Santa Barbara

I received the following position information earlier today by email. The position is with Roger Nisbet at UC Santa Barbara. 

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral specialist to participate in systems-based research for evaluating ecological impacts of manufactured chemicals. The overarching aim is to use Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models to inform ecological risk assessment by determining how the effects of exposure to chemical stressors are expressed across levels of biological organization.  Specific projects include: (i) determining how genomic data on two model organisms (the waterflea Daphnia and the estuarine fish Fundulus) experiencing combined food and chemical stress relate to parameters in DEB models; (ii) predicting organismal and population “tipping points” caused by failure of physiological and population regulatory processes; (iii) developing individual and population models of adaptation to stress in chronically polluted environments.  The person appointed would work on one or two of these projects.

The research is part of a recently funded project led by Dr. Roger Nisbet (UCSB), working in collaboration with Dr. Erik Muller (UCSB) and Dr. Andrew Whitehead (UC Davis). UCSB is renowned for its quantitative ecological research and has a number of faculty involved in ecotoxicological research projects. There will be opportunity to interact and collaborate with researchers in the University of California Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology (

Applicants must possess a PhD and have research experience in one or more of theoretical ecology, environmental modeling, systems biology, or closely related disciplines. The position is for 2 years, contingent on funding. Start date: 1 January 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.

If you encounter anyone at ESA (or know of anyone) who might be interested, please encourage them to email me. Dr. Nisbet's email address is:

Monday, August 10, 2015

Insect toxicology position at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln

I received the following email today.  Please go to the website below (or this more direct link) if interested.  Good luck. 

Colleagues …

We would greatly appreciate your assistance with posting/announcing the attached Insect Toxicologist position in the Entomology Dept at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
The announcement is also posted on our web site

Please share with anyone who you think might be interested. Review of applications will begin on September 15, 2015.

Thank you!

Lance J Meinke
Chair, Search Committee
UNL Department of Entomology

Gary J Brewer
Professor and Head
UNL Department of Entomology

Friday, August 7, 2015

Exposure assessment positions at CalEPA

ETOX alumnus Eric Kwok sent me the message below.  If interested, I would recommend contacting him directly.  Good luck.

I am actively recruiting scientists with background in environmental fate modeling, physiological based pharmacokinetic modeling, or biostatistics to join my group for conducting human exposure assessment.  These positions are currently posted on the DPR website (please see the links below).  

Research Scientist II (Biostatistics/Epidemiology):

Research Scientist II (Physical/Engineering Sciences):

Research Scientist III (Physical/Engineering Sciences):

For obtaining a hiring eligibility, applicant is required to take a qualifying examination first.  Hence, job applicant who is not on the eligibility list will not be considered.  However, I would like to reach out to any recent graduates or postdocs at UCR and provide them with guidance on how to take the qualifying examination and applying for the job.  Please feel free to forward these job announcements within ETOX and other departments.  Please contact me directly for additional questions.   Also, please ignore the final filing date of 8/14.  Thank you so much for your help!


Eric S. C. Kwok, Ph.D., D.A.B.T.
Senior Toxicologist, Exposure Assessment Section
California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Human Health Assessment Branch
1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento CA 95812

Phone: 916-324-7842
FAX: 916-324-3506