Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Postdoctoral position at UCSF

Below is the text of a message that was recently forwarded to me. If you would like a copy of the complete job description which is mentioned in the message, please send me an email and I will forward it to you.

The UCSF Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment is seeking a Post Doctoral Researcher to work on two separate, but related projects that both focus on incorporating new and emerging science into environmental health policy and decision making. The first project focuses on addressing health risks related to products of nanotechnology, and the second project explores using new scientific information to identify adverse effects of exposure to environmental chemicals. The job description is attached to this e-mail, and if you know of any excellent candidates who are interested in living and working in the Bay Area, please let them know. If possible please post the attached job description on your internal listserv or website. Thank you.

Sarah Futernick
Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment
University of California at San Francisco
1330 Broadway Street, Suite 1100
Oakland, CA 94612
Ph: (510) 986-8974
Fax: (510) 896-8960

Sunday, July 13, 2008

News and photos from alumni Cindy Giver and Eric Gilbert

Below is a message and some nice photos that were sent by Cindy Giver (Ph.D. 1997) who is married to Eric Gilbert (Ph.D. 1997).

Eric and I have boy/girl twins named Abby and Coby. They will turn 2 years old next month! With both of us in academic jobs, we definitely have our hands full! They are growing so fast and talking more all the time. We recently had the pleasure of a brief visit from Andrew Grosovsky, who came to Atlanta for an educational conference. It was great to spend some time with him, he came to see where I work at Emory University's Winship Cancer Institute, and even came to Coby and Abby's preschool. He also got to talk with Eric and they noted many similarities between Eric's school, Georgia State University, and Andrew's new school, University of Massachusetts, Boston. I'm also including a photo taken last year, when Leslie Smith [(Ph.D. 1996)] came to town for an art show. It was so nice to see her and do some catching up. We have also been lucky to see Mike McCullar [(Ph.D. 1996)] a few times in recent years because the American Society of Hematology Meeting that he and I both attend was in Atlanta. So if any of you ETOX alumni out there are ever in Atlanta for a meeting or just passing through, e-mail me and let's get together!
Eric, Andrew and Cindy
Cindy, Leslie, Eric and kids
Abby and Coby

Podcast by Alumna Heidi Bethel

The UCR Career Center recently interviewed Heidi Bethel (Ph.D. 2002) about the internship program at the US EPA that Heidi participated in after her graduation. It is a nice way to find out about the internship program and to hear a little bit of Heidi's experiences since graduating. The podcast can be accessed here. More information about the EPA internship program can be found here. The website indicates that updated information about this year's internship program will be posted in September.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Faculty News Update

Over the past several months, there have been a number of significant events that have involved the ETOX Program faculty. Several notable ones are listed below.

Bill Jury, a renowned scientist and expert in chemical movement through soils, retired from the university at the end of June, and has now joined the ranks of the emeritus faculty.

Andrew Chang, an agricultural engineer and director of the UC Center of Water Resources, retired earlier this year, and has also joined the emeritus faculty ranks. We wish both Bill and Andrew the best as they begin this new phase of life.

Lisa Stein, an environmental microbiologist in the Department of Environmental Sciences, has accepted an offer from the University of Alberta in Canada, and will soon be leaving UCR to join the faculty there. We will miss her.

Paul Ziemann, professor of Environmental Sciences, as accepted the position of Director of the Air Pollution Research Center. He replaces Roger Atkinson who has served as the Director for 13 years. We wish Paul success in leading APRC.

David Eastmond, currently the Program chair, has accepted the position as Chair of the Department of Cell Biology & Neuroscience. He replaces Sarjeet Gill who will be going on sabbatical leave this upcoming year. Until a replacement is identified, Dave will be chairing both organizations.